The resources below are used throughout the course. You are recommended to read through these additional resources to understand the subject matter completely.
Cybersecurity Basic terminologies
- Glossary of Key Information Security Terms, National Institute of Standards and Technology, June 05, 2013
- What is cybersecurity? In search of an encompassing definition for the post-Snowden era, Morten Bay, French Journal For Media Research, n° 6/2016, ISSN 2264-4733
- ISO/IEC 27032 Information Technology – Security Techniques – Guidelines for Cybersecurity, IsecT
- Cyberspace: Definition and implications, Ottis, R., & Lorents, P. (2010). ICIW, 267–270.
Cyber Security Trends, Best Practices, etc.
Stuxnet malware, APT
Privacy Risks
- The Eternal Value of Privacy, Bruce Schneier, Schneier on Security
- Why Privacy Matters: Glenn Greenwald at TEDGlobal 2014, Laura McClure, TED Blog
- Privacy in the Internet of Things: Threats and Challenges, Ziegeldorf, J. H., Morchon, O. G., & Wehrle, K. (2014). Security and Communication Networks, 7 (12), 2728-2742.
- A Day In the Life of Your Data, Apple, 2021.
10 Steps to Mitigating Cyber Threats