(This video chapter begins at 12:17 and ends at 13:51. Click on the blue dot at the 12:17 timestamp to play the video for this module.)
Your employees expect your feedback whether it is a pat on the back, or time for change. This module will explore some different feedback models, as well as some ways to make your feedback effective and encouraging.
Our focus quote for this module:
“Life is not fair. Get used to it. ” – Bill Gates
Time and place: When you are offering feedback to an employee, give consideration to your environment, and to your timing. Never offer negative feedback in front of colleagues; it is unprofessional and can damage the reputation of the employee (co-workers seeing someone criticized in front of others tend to not forget it), and you (that you care so little for your staff that you would embarrass them in front of their co-workers).
The best place to provide feedback is somewhere quiet, like an office or meeting room. The feedback needs to come as soon as possible after the event (later the same day or the following day is good), unless you are feeling emotionally charged about something.
If an employee has done something that violates a rule at work, you may have to act immediately. However, if you can hold off and get your own emotions in check first, you will avoid saying something that you might later regret.
Types of Feedback: Just as there are many types of conversations, so are there a range of feedback models. Feedback can be formal, as we will discuss with the feedback sandwich in a moment, or informal. Informal feedback can be just as meaningful and valuable as formal feedback.
Informal feedback, such as recognition for something that has been learned and properly applied to the workplace, or offering a small reward for overall performance, can really perk up your employee’s day, immediately turning into a burst of energy or creativity for that individual.
More formal feedback is often used with certain benchmarks and at certain times of the year. Some organizations schedule annual, formal performance reviews and may also include quarterly or monthly meetings to review and document progress, strengths, and opportunities for growth.
The 360-degree performance review is a tool that, instead of relying on performance comments from the immediate supervisor, also solicits feedback from people within a 360-degree radius of the employee. Direct reports, colleagues, managers, internal customers, and even external customers can all contribute to feedback for a 360-degree review.
No matter which tools you prefer, and whether you are more likely to rely on formal or informal feedback methods, keep in mind that feedback is provided as a way to encourage growth and development of your staff. Feedback can help employees along with their career goals, not just to meet the goals of the company or your specific department, but also to reach their own.
Managers often use a “feedback sandwich” as a way to provide feedback and to cushion criticism. The benefits include having positive comments that frame the critique. A feedback sandwich typically looks like this:
The drawback to using a feedback sandwich is that it does not take long before an employee knows that if you are leading a conversation and offer a compliment, there will be some kind of negative comment to follow it. It is human nature for them to filter out any compliment you make, and to focus on the negative comments.
Therefore, instead of offering a feedback sandwich that you build, we recommend that you have the employee get involved, particularly with the middle. The value in this is that when you are working with adults, chances are they will know what went wrong and have ideas about how to improve.
Instead of a sandwich made with white bread and a jam filling, like this:
Try multi-grain and homemade fruit spread with hazelnut drizzle:
Paul might just say “Thanks!” or, “They were a tough crowd.” You can probe a bit here and then encourage him to fill in the middle, or you could say:
Responses could look like this:
And then at the end of the conversation, offer that multi-grain kind of closing:
A Powerful Tip: When offering feedback, avoid the word “but” after you make a comment, especially a compliment. The word “but” is a negative indicator, meaning that it negates whatever preceded it in the sentence. A listener often shuts out everything that comes before the word “but.
Yuri and Tosca were managers at a civil engineering company, and were considering the best ways to give feedback and criticism to their employees without causing a dispute or lowering morale. Yuri suggested they use the Feedback Sandwich and explained that it was the perfect way to provide feedback and cushion criticism by: making a specific positive comment, then offering critique or suggestions for improvement, and finally making an overall positive comment to cap off the ‘sandwich’. Tosca agreed that this seemed a positive way of approaching feedback on tasks completed and the pair decided to implement it in the company. They were happy when their critiques were well-received and worked on by the employees in question and could move onto managing new tasks.
Greg and Richard are in a meeting discussing the recent cyberattack their company underwent. They are bouncing ideas off of each other regarding what methods they want to implement to prevent this from happening again. Greg says at a minimum, they should invest in Anti-Virus/Anti-Spyware software. Richard agrees and says they should also look into firewalls and making sure their operating system is conducting routine updates as it should. Greg questions what security measure they should have in place for when they are working on their business computers away from the office.