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Proposal Writing

A good proposal doesn’t just outline what product or service you would like to create or deliver. It will convince the reader that it is the only logical choice. Explore the proposal writing process including the most common types of proposals.

With SHEL’s Proposal Writing Professional Development Course, you will be taken through each step of the proposal writing process, from understanding why you are writing a proposal; to gathering information; to writing and proofreading; through to creating the final, professional product.

The objectives of this workshop are to ensure you fully understand and are able to:

  • Identify The Purpose Of A Proposal
  • Identify Different Types Of Proposals
  • Identify And Perform The Steps In The Proposal Writing Process
  • Perform A Needs Analysis And Write A Goal Statement
  • Prepare A Proposal Outline
  • Improve Writing Skills With A Variety Of Techniques
  • Use Appropriate Resources And Ghosting To Build A Strong Case
  • Add Illustrations To The Proposal
  • Proofread And Edit The Proposal
  • Add The Finishing Touches To Create A Professional-Looking Final Product
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