The Cloud and Business

The Cloud and Business The Cloud has become a vital component for business as technology becomes embedded in modern life. Every leader needs to understand the cloud and how it operates as well as the potential dangers and pitfalls associated with cloud computing. Knowledgeable monitoring and maintenance can be the difference between the success and…

Presentation Skills

Presentation Skills Many studies have found that public speaking is the number one fear for most people; outranking flying, snakes, insects, and even death. Ironically, it is also one of the skills that can make or break a person’s career. You will be provided with a set of skills that will complement your current presentation…

Managing Workplace Harassment

Managing Workplace Harassment Workplace harassment.  A growing problem in corporate culture.  Oh, you may say, “not in my office,” or “not our team,” but workplace harassment is an increasing issue in many organizations today.  It can come in the form of a slap, a phrase, an email, or reassignment of duties.  Harassment is not okay…

Public Speaking

Public Speaking Public speaking is one of the most intimidating things anyone is asked to do. Forget small spaces, darkness, and spiders, standing up in front of a crowd and talking is far more terrifying for most people. Through this workshop your participants will become more confident and relaxed in front of an audience which…